Probe Kit

Tegan Bryce
Nov 6, 2020

I created my probe kit with the focus being on finding out the daily privilege within our lives that we usually take for granted. I’ve found so far this module so many small parts of my life I usually take for granted are actually a massive privilege and was interested in seeing what others consider the privilege in their own. I sent my probe kit to Don containing a disposable camera, a sktetchbook, sharpies and coloured pencils. I left instructions in the sketchbook and set it for three days then we would swap back.

Pictures of my Probe kit that I sent to Don

I found Don had an interesting approach of grouping the privilege he experienced in his life in sections, many of which I had not considered. He grouped it under: tech, chill, safety, skincare, money and time. I thought this was interesting as it almost sectioned aspects of his day. The privilege of safety and safety equipment is huge during the pandemic as not everyone has the means to be as safe as they need to be, another often ignored privilege however is the means to fully relax was shown in the photo. 2020 is a highly stressful time and it is a privilege to be able to have a nice bath and light a candle, those small unnecessary luxuries that make us feel. better. Not only that but it is a luxury having the time to as many need to work multiple jobs in order to get by etc. I think the probe kit was interesting as it gave an insight into how others perceive privilege in their own lives and how it differed to my own or highlighted things I hadn’t considered.

